Homeward Bound

This time last year, I was on a plane back to America. It was a bittersweet plane ride. I was torn in two. While a part of me couldn’t wait to be home with my family for the holidays, another part of my heart remained in England.

Me in London

When I arrived back at Dickinson College for my Spring semester, I had a much harder transition than I expected. We hear a lot about the culture shock that comes with spending a semester or a year abroad, but what about the readjustment to life back home when you return? I spoke to two Dickinsonians to hear their stories about coming back home to Carlisle. Listen to the podcast below to hear their stories about studying abroad, their perspectives on coming home to a small college town, and their advice for making a smooth transition.


Samantha Moyer–Norwich, England


Stephanie Hammond–Mendoza, Argentina